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Inside the Rules

Every month former MGA Senior Director of Rules and Competitions Gene Westmoreland will answer one question posed by the readers of the MGA e-Revision Newsletter. Gene recently received the following Rules question from a reader:

Q: If your ball lies under a tree or shrub and your swing knocks down some leaves or branches is that a penalty?

Gene responds:

If the “swing” you refer to was a stroke at the ball there would be no penalty – as long as you continue the swing. If you were to abort your swing after knocking down leaves and branches and the removal of the leaves and branches – EVEN A SINGLE LEAF – improved the area of your intended swing you WOULD be penalized.

If the swing you are referring to was a “practice swing” and the leaves and branches – OR SINGLE LEAF – you knocked down improved the area of your intended swing, you would be penalized (see Rule 13-2).


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