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Arrival in Ireland

Thursday, April 25 -

After a six-hour flight without any sleep, we arrived in Dublin and headed off to play at Portmarnock Golf Club. It was typical Irish weather I’d been hearing so much about and we got to test out all of the rain gear. The course was very firm and fast so playing around the greens was certainly a different experience for me. I found that  it is much easier to putt than chip from around the green and it was rare that I had a flat lie.

Luckily, there was very little wind but the course was still difficult since it was so cold. It was a tiring day and I’m not going to lie and say I wasn't relieved when it was time for bed!

The next day we were treated to a round at Royal Dublin, and although the day started off cold, it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. The course was amazing and played super long (it seemed as if every hole was 460 yards into the wind)! The front nine went away from the clubhouse and the back played along the water, presenting us with breathtaking views. The conditions were again firm so I never landed any shots past the front edge of the green. I was still very tired from traveling and the time difference and had a nice nap back at the hotel.

After a bit of rest we all walked down the street where we had a delicious Irish dinner and a just a relaxing evening. We will be ready for another great day tomorrow!