Biennial club surveys are a cooperative effort between the Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation and the New Jersey and Metropolitan Club Managers Associations.
Past surveys have been very well received and provided club officers and key staff personnel with valuable information. Given the current economic environment and its impact on area clubs, this year’s survey results have taken on added significance.
Accurate and meaningful statistics can only be generated if clubs cooperate by promptly and completely responding to the survey questions. The questions are designed to be easily and accurately answered.
Please note the following important points:
- All information provided will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Neither the names of individual clubs nor any of their responses will be identified in any way.
- The complete survey results will be distributed free of charge to those clubs whose completed questionnaires are returned in a timely fashion.
- You may find it easier to complete the survey by assigning certain sections to those staff most familiar with the data being requested (i.e. golf professional, golf course superintendent, etc.).
Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation in this project which is of great importance to all of your fellow MGA members.