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Making the Most of Opportunities

Two juniors on a putting green

Last summer, Tin Lon Chiu served as a GOLFWORKS intern at the First Tee of Metropolitan New York’s (TFTMNY) Nassau County location. It proved to be a perfect fit for Chiu, who put previous knowledge as an active member of TFTMNY to use and developed important skills in his new leadership role. Now, thanks to his academic record and outstanding experience, Chiu has been named the latest Lew Rudin Scholar and is set to enroll at New York University in the fall.

We caught up with Chiu to learn more about his experience with the GOLFWORKS program, his interest in golf and his his involvement with TFTMNY.

How did you become a GOLFWORKS intern?
I became a GOLFWORKS intern when I began searching for a summer job last summer. Before working as an intern, I had experience teaching classes and volunteering at The First Tee in Brooklyn. My father, who was a First Tee coach at the time, told me about the opportunity to intern at my now local First Tee branch in Nassau County, and I instantly signed up.

What were some of your typical responsibilities as a GOLFWORKS intern?
As a GOLFWORKS intern, I assisted primarily in the setup and cleanup of the driving range and putting greens. My responsibilities ranged from matching the right set of clubs for students to teaching kids how to improve shots on the course.

In what areas do you feel your GOLFWORKS experience helped you grow, whether personally or professionally?
Simply put, the GOLF WORKS program has made me a better communicator and a better instructor. As the weeks went on, the coaches progressively delegated more responsibility to the interns. By the end of the program, I was tasked with making a lesson plan and executing it, which helped me grow both personally and professionally. My communication skills were reinforced throughout the program and proved to be crucial in setup and instruction.

What do you see as the most valuable experience gained as a GOLFWORKS intern?
Being a GOLFWORKS intern introduces you to a wide range of responsibilities. I would say learning to adapt my teaching style and response to each situation was the most valuable experience throughout my time as an intern. As a GOLFWORKS intern, you’ll come across an incredibly diverse group of students. Being able to adapt to each student has been key to effectively teaching all parts of the GOLFWORKS/The First Tee program to the students.

What did you learn about yourself from your experience as a GOLFWORKS intern?
Through the GOLFWORKS program, I have learned the impact I can make in my students, the interns around me, and my local golf community. Being an intern has allowed me to give back to the community that has taught me over these past seven years, and the experience has been incredibly fulfilling.

What would you say to anyone who has an opportunity to become a GOLFWORKS intern?
Anyone that has the opportunity to become a GOLFWORKS intern should definitely sign up! Being a GOLFWORKS intern for only a year has vastly expanded my golf community, further developed my life skills, and deepened my interest in the game of Golf.

How were you introduced to golf?
I was first introduced to Golf through a 3rd-grade school trip to a junior golf driving range in Brooklyn, NY. However, I would not be reintroduced to Golf until two years later. At the time, my family often went to New Jersey and there was a driving range nearby that faced the Hudson River. Although the drive was far, we would often go once a week. However, with the winter months approaching, my family decided to find somewhere closer. That range would be my introduction to the First Tee and would mark the time I began to dive deeper into Golf.

What do you like most about the game?
Golf is truly unique in the sense that it emphasizes personal responsibility above all else. One’s progress in the game and the game’s integrity all lie within the player. Combined with the tranquil nature of the game, I would say that Golf is one of the most rewarding and relaxing sports. 

How did you get involved with The First Tee of Metropolitan New York?
I got involved with The First Tee of Metropolitan New York from its former Brooklyn chapter. It was my first day going to the driving range with my family, and at the counter, my family was introduced to The First Tee and all it had to offer.

What do you enjoy most about The First Tee and its programming?
What I enjoy most about The First Tee is how life skills are effectively integrated into its program. Each week brings something new to be learned, and the coaches continue to mix life skills with unique golf activities seamlessly.

What are some additional hobbies or interests of yours?
In my free time, I like to tinker with electronics, take photos, go for runs, and play chess. So far, I’ve dabbled into building computers, creating gaming servers, and a little bit into networking. As for what I like to take pictures of, I like to capture what it’s like living in New York City; the subway performers, crowded streets, and the skyline filled with skyscrapers.

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