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Inside the Rules

Every month former MGA Senior Director of Rules and Competitions Gene Westmoreland will answer one question posed by the readers of the MGA e-Revision Newsletter (click here to sign up). Jay from New Jersey asked Gene the following Rules question:

Q: In match play, if a putt is conceded, can the player still putt or must he or his opponent pick up his ball?  I have searched through the rule book but have not found a definitive answer.



Gene responds:

Unless the committee has established a Local Rule that prohibits practice putting after holing out (which would be very unlikely) there is no prohibition to putting out a conceded putt.

I assume that you are talking about a "singles" match and not a four-ball match in which a putt might be conceded so that one partners meaningless putt could not be used to "educate" his partner who had an important putt.


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